Facebook CEO – Major overhaul of App platform coming

From everything I’ve heard so far (mostly from scoble’s Qik videos from Davos and this post, but also a few other rumbings), Facebook is working hard to make the App platform less spammy, and to enable developers to build deeper, more powerful apps which really extend Facebook’s functionality.

If they really go the “google androiod” route with this, and allow developers to build apps which users can swap out (think superwall, but actually in place of the stock “wall” app) this could shape up to be a great year for FB.

It’s also good to hear Robert echo some of the things that I felt when meeting Mark – he’s an extremely humble, shy, interesting person, who’s genuinely geeking out about this stuff at work every day. With someone that passionate about the future of the net and what they’re building at FB, I’m pretty confident that good things are yet to come.

clipped from scobleizer.com

Scobleizer Weblog

Yesterday morning I woke up early. Was sitting in the hotel lobby at 7 a.m. trying to check email when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Mark Zuckerberg, founder/CEO of Facebook, which now has 68 million active users (people who’ve signed on in the past 30 days).

I asked him why he doesn’t like going on video and seems to have difficulty dealing with the press and bloggers. He said he was shy. Asked me not to video him “I freeze up,” he told me.

It was an amazing admission.

Some things he shared with me about Facebook?

1. They are within weeks of shipping translated versions of Facebook.

2. They are working on a major overhaul of the application platform. Both to make apps less spammy and also to deliver much more functionality
They are still thinking about data portability
Facebook will see major changes in its architecture that would allow outside developers to build new capabilities in major parts of its service,
Zuckerberg demonstrated to me that he is, indeed, the real deal
  blog it

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